SX70 Fade to Black Mosaic, originally uploaded by LeandroF.

Polaroid SX-70 classic camera, Polaroid/Polapremium Fade to Black film. Approximately 5-1/2 hours development.
Finally got some of the Fuji Instant film (color and high speed b&w). Picked it up at Freestyle Photo, no crowds or lines and friendly/helpful staff. It had been a while since I been in there.
This shot came out a bit darker then I had envisioned, but very happy with it just the same. Not sure if the meter is a little off or if I need to over compensate a lot more for the film speed/camera speed difference then what I did here (or maybe a little bit of both).
Polaroid 340 Land camera, Fuji FB-100C instant film. Portrait kit attached.
I must be a scarecrow. There were about 2 dozen crows hanging out on the street, picking at leaves and bits of things on the street and sidewalk near my home. I drive by, they barely move. I park 2 houses down, take 2 steps towards them and they start cawing like crazy and start to fly up to the trees and surrounding houses roof tops. I swear this has happened to me every time I try get pictures of them. Tried to make the most of the moment and shot these two Polaroids (and a few shots with yet to be processed from my black slim devil). Was pretty happy with these as a diptych. Seemed to reflect the feeling and atmosphere.
Polaroid Artistic TZ SX-70 film, original folding classic SX-70 camera.
Polaroid SX-70 Promotional Film from Ekim on Vimeo.
1st shot with the Polaroid Artistic TZ SX-70 film. Ordered a couple of packs of ATZ and the Fade to Black film from Polapremium during their black friday sale. I really like this film so far. It has such a nice color palette to it. Plus, I'm thrilled that my SX-70 classic original still works! Many many moons ago when I was still an art student and aspiring photographer, I utilized Polaroids (sx-70 and peel apart) here and there, but not a huge amount simply for budget reasons. It was cheaper to roll and process my own black and white film. So I saved my polaroids for certain things. At the time, if you were on a budget, you had to choose. Now today, in the midst of everything digital and being able to shoot as much as one wants, I've had my own analogue film realization which has also led me back to Polaroids. I've become a very selective shooter over the years, even digitally, I usually (not always, but most of the time) know if I've got something I like within the first few shots. This applies to my holga shots and now to my Polaroid shots as well. Seems to suit my shooting style/method. Oh how I've missed this.
Yashica Electro 35 GSN, Expired Kodak Gold 200 35mm color negative film. Processed normal C-41. Scanned from neg.
Holga 120CFN, expired Fuji NPS 160 color negative film, processed normal c-41, scanned from neg.
I had the fortune of winning a Black Slim Devil from Nic over at Four Corners Dark blog. Nic had a contest going to help promote his special limited edition, secret camera to be sold for 100 percent of it to go to his local animal rescue shelter charity. The contest was simple, closest guess wins. I guessed holga mod and that's what he had. Limited edition of 10, custom holgas from www.holgamods.com, with closer focusing, custom masks, plus some cool film from Nic's own rare stash and other accessories. I wish I could have purchased one, great kit, but the timing was not good for me unfortunately. A portion of all his sales goes to the animal shelter. Pretty cool. So I ordered a bunch of 35mm film to go with my new Black Slim Devil. Thanks again Nic!
Expired Kodak Elite Chrome 400 35mm color slide film. Processed normal E-6. Scanned from film.
I had intended for this blog to focus on plastic cameras instead of traditional slrs or even medium format cameras, and even polaroid. However, I've found that with my new re-appreciation for film, comes lots of other options for cameras in general. Some are cameras from my own collection, and others are new finds. Needless to say, not everything on here will be pure plastic.
Introducing my new old Yashica Electro 35 GSN rangefinder built circa 1973. Found for $6 at shopgoodwill.com, $15 total with shipping. Add in $15 for a battery adapter from the yashicaguy.com and now I have this great little rangefinder of a camera. I've only run one roll thru it so far and am very happy with it. I haven't shot with a rangefinder in quite awhile. The camera has a few options, bulb mode, flash mode and Automatic. F-stops 1.7-16, with a minimum focus of about 2 1/2 feet. The lens itself is 45mm, barely wide. When in auto mode, you set the f-stop and it meters and calculates the shutter speed. If its over exposed, you'll get a red arrow in the viewfinder, if its a slow exposure (anything below a 1/30th) you'll get a orange arrow. The meter seemed pretty accurate so far. Its got more weight to it since it is metal, and the size was a little bigger then I was expecting. Looking forward to shooting more with it.
Another from my continuing series on the Fairfax District. One of things I've been enjoying with cross processing film again has been the color shifts. With digital, its so easy to get fairly balanced white balance that its easy to forget how color temperatures can be manipulated and used to ones advantage (or disadvantage), granted, with x-pro its more extreme. This street scene feels more painterly then my other night shot/long exposures.
Holga 120CFN, very expired Fuji Astia 120 chrome film cross processed C-41. Scanned from neg.
Holga 120CFN, very expired Fuji Astia 120 chrome film cross processed C-41. Scanned from neg.
Holga 120CFN, very expired Fuji Astia 120 chrome film cross processed C-41. Scanned from neg.
Hill top view in Echo Park. Haven't cross processed chrome to c-41 in quite awhile.
Holga 120CFN, very expired Fuji Astia 120 chrome film cross processed C-41. Scanned from neg.
I found that whenever I try to get a shot of crows, as soon as I get within 10 feet with my Holga, they take off. Almost mocking me as they're flying off. Every freakin time.
Holga 120CFN, expired Fuji NPS 160 color negative film, processed normal C-41. Scanned from negative.
Holga 120CFN, expired Fuji NPS 160 color negative film, processed normal C-41. Scanned from negative.
Holga 120CFN, expired Fuji NPS 160 color negative film, processed normal C-41. Scanned from negative.
As much as it sucks whenever California is on fire (since writing this, a whole bunch more fires have sprung to life, really sucks), the air quality is awful, allergies get all whacked and of course the loss of trees and homes. However, the light changes in a rather beautiful way. Due to all the crap in the air, the light gets filtered and we get golden glowing light during the day and almost orange red glows at sunset.
Been in a bit of photo slump the past month or so, in fact took almost that long for me to finish this roll of film (there are more shots from this roll that I will be posting soon). Hasn't been a terribly exciting or inspiring summer for holga photos unfortunately. Now that my holga is loaded up again (new film, Fuji 400H from FourCornerStore), and with the summer slowly coming to a close, maybe I'll be able to conjure up some creative juices again.
Holga 120CFN, expired Fuji NPS 160 color negative film, processed normal C-41. Scanned from negative.
Holga 120S, very expired Iflord HP5+ b&w negative film, processed normal, scanned from neg.
Holga 120CFN, expired Fuji NPS 160 color negative film, processed normal C-41. Scanned from negative.
Holga 120CFN, expired Fuji NPS 160 color negative film, processed normal C-41. Scanned from negative.
Another from my Fairfax series.
Holga 120CFN, expired Fuji NPS 160 color negative film, processed normal C-41. Scanned from negative.
Two of my favorite things, Kogi BBQ lunch and film. What, so I'm easy to please...sometimes. : )
Holga 120CFN, expired Fuji NPS 160 color negative film, processed normal C-41. Scanned from negative.
How's this for some great customer service...ordered film from Four Corners Store (I highly recommend them by the way, part of the Four Corners Dark blog) and there was a mistake in the order which Nic promptly corrected and sent the rest out plus this cool little Kellogg's 110 camera and film! How cool is that?!? Check them out. Its where I got my Smena 8M and a lot of 120 film. Its nice to feel appreciated as a customer. : ).
Holga 120CFN, expired Fuji NPS 160 color negative film, processed normal C-41. Scanned from negative.
Continuation of my Fairfax series.
Holga 120CFN, expired Fuji NPS 160 color negative film, processed normal C-41. Scanned from negative.
Took this shot while having my lunch. Hadn't shot any b&w thru my holga in a few months, thought it was time to do some more. Now that I have two holgas, I can load color and b&w and be ready for anything!
Holga 120S, very expired Iflord HP5+ b&w negative film, processed normal, scanned from neg.
Holga 120CFN, expired Fuji NPS 160 color negative film, processed normal C-41. Scanned from negative.
I have never seen a tree quite like this before, well accept for the other one across the street, other then that one, never seen.
Holga 120CFN, expired Fuji NPS 160 color negative film, processed normal C-41. Scanned from negative.
Now that I have a Holga with a bulb function, I can experiment a bit more. A couple of lifetimes ago, I used to do a lot of shooting hand held with very slow exposures to get some of that movement feeling. Once again, back to basics.
Holga 120CFN, expired Fuji NPS 160 color negative film, processed normal C-41. Scanned from negative.
Seems I've got a foot series going, swear its not a fetish. ; )
Holga 120CFN, expired Fuji NPS 160 color negative film, processed normal C-41. Scanned from negative.
Hanging out back on our little strip of back yard that my Mrs created.
Holga 120CFN, expired Fuji NPS 160 color negative film, processed normal C-41. Scanned from negative.
Wile chowing down on my Kogi tacos, I looked up. Holga 120CFN, expired Fuji NPS 160 color negative film, processed normal C-41. Scanned from negative.
Holga 120CFN, expired Fuji NPS 160 color negative film, processed normal C-41. Scanned from negative.