Saturday, April 16, 2011

First Flush Bruch

The Goods. 6 px100 FF, 2px100, 1 px600 FF & 1 px70 push!           Got my Impossible Bruch film pack!

A few months back, Impossible had a very special promo deal. A limited supply of 10 packs of various films, deemed not fit quite right by the factory. A factory outlet bruch sale. I think it was $60 bucks with my Pioneer discount. My bag had 6 packs of PX100 FF, 2 PX100, 1 PX600 FF and a PX70 Push! So far I've shot through 4 packs of the PX100 FF. Its been a great learning opportunity to get a better handle on the film. Also just a chance to play a bit more (or destroy). The learning curve was higher with this film when it first came out. Now, a year later, I'm feeling like I know what I'm doing, more or less. Not thinking as much, but doing. One thing that has helped was the new light shielding tip that Impossible had posted to their blog about using a dark slide to run through the exit slot of the camera instead of taping to the front to prevent fogging. Also shooting with the film in the cooler temps of winter/spring really brought out some great, consistent results. More black and white and a little less sepia/warm with good contrast. I did scan these all at different times depending on the tone. Some I waited a few hours others a day or two. During the first 12 hours, you stand a good chance at getting a more neutral tone image, by the next day the yellow/sepia really kicks in. Now I'll need to try out some mobile cooling techniques this summer. As mentioned before, these were flawed factory outlet films so they have been messier due to loose edges of the films. This has also created some interesting side effects since it prevents the chemistry from spreading evenly thus sometimes creating odd unexposed areas at the top or the corners. I personally like it, adds another unique quality, although cleaning the rollers suck.

Charlie Dog Waste
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